Not Your Average Farm
Website StrategyWebsite DesignWebsite DevelopmentPrint DesignPackage DesignCarversville Farm Foundation is not your average farm. Why? Because it’s also a nonprofit. Led by a team of passionate agriculturists, CFF combines ecological regeneration and sustainable farming to serve the environment as well as the community. We set out to design a playful brand that echoed the farm’s unique mission, complete with packaging, marketing collateral, and a fresh fun website.
Push10 serves CPG clients via Aid&Abet, its specialized food and beverage branding agency. As part of an ongoing partnership, Aid&Abet is helping to refine and enhance the burgeoning family of brands, just like Carversville Farm Foundation.
A Fresh Start Poised for Sustainable Growth
From nutrition to farming to education, Carversville’s mission is diverse and far-reaching. Thus, Push10 created a flexible, yet consistent design system to communicate Carversville’s key messages through a wide range of channels.
Simple, Yet Powerful.
Carversville’s core message is “Feed. Teach. Nurture.” This simple, yet powerful statement effectively communicates the farm’s overall mission and goals. Thus, we planned, designed, and developed the website around these bold statements. From the content to the overall site architecture, we used vivid imagery juxtaposed with ample white space to drive home Carversville’s vision.

The site features many vivid images paired with subtle illustrations, resulting in a friendly and welcoming tone.
Push10 illustrated custom icons to enhance the branded appearance of the website.
Carversville has amassed some impressive data in a short period of time. Infographics proved to be the perfect vehicle to communicate key metrics at a glance.
Carversville Farm Foundation works closely with the community. We integrated their Instagram feed to add personality and a sense of connection via user-generated content.