Simplifying Scientific Research Data
Website StrategyWebsite DesignWebsite DevelopmentPhotography Art DirectionCustom InfographicsWrangling scientific data is no easy task. Push10 designed and developed a promotional website to help Blackfynn market their revolutionary platform, which consolidates and organizes scientific research data.

Taking the Blackfynn Message on the Road
Push10 designed two graphically-rich trade show displays to help Blackfynn communicate both their brand message and key selling points at various conferences within the scientific community.
One of Blackfynn’s core principles is simplicity. We carry this theme to the web via a simple and intuitive navigation structure.
Often, simplicity can be mistaken for boring. To prevent this, Push10 implemented high-impact background images throughout the site.
As with all promotional websites, conversions are key. Push10 strategically placed compelling calls to action in key areas of the website.
Push10 linked the website’s forms to MailChimp, allowing Blackfynn to efficiently track and nurture leads.