A Year Worth Sharing
Website StrategyWebsite DesignWebsite DevelopmentKnowles Science Teaching Foundation is a nonprofit organization that supports teachers as the primary leaders of educational improvement through fellowship programs that build community, facilitate collaboration, and invite innovation. After years of distributing their annual report in printed or pdf format, KTSF approached Push10 to create a long-scroll microsite for their 2016 year-end summary.

Success Stories
The long-scroll report incorporates high-quality imagery, bold typographic effects, and subtle imagery while highlighting KSTF’s success in building a national network of teacher-leaders. Recent stories showcasing fellows who are making an impact are the highlight of the experience.
A graphically rich, subtly animated banner draws readers into the site
Tooltip-based citations are used throughout the site to allow readers to decode technical terminology
Animated data and infographic-driven layouts help break up long-form content sections
Senior Fellow and New Cohort stories make up the bulk of the interactive content
Financial downloads are indicated with recognizable iconography
An on-site donate form compels users to immediate action