
Building an effective website for non-profits and foundations

Four Things the Best Websites for Nonprofits and Foundations Have in Common

chandler robertson digital strategist

By Chandler Robertson / Strategist


Do You Need a Marketing or Branding Agency? Here’s the Difference.
chandler robertson digital strategist

By Chandler Robertson / Strategist

The success of your marketing project could depend on the type of agency you partner with. Here’s what you need to know to choose correctly....

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How COVID-19 Will Change College & University Web Design Forever
chandler robertson digital strategist

By Chandler Robertson / Strategist

The question isn’t if higher education web design will change post-pandemic, it’s how. And as the dust of COVID-19 settles, college and university marketers...

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How to Name (or Rename) a Brand

By Sabrina Pfautz / Partner & Creative Director

How do you choose a good brand name? And once you’ve come up with one, how do you know if it’ll be successful? These questions sound daunting until you add them into the right context. So, to understand the nuances of naming a brand, let’s start from the top....

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How to Hire Remotely: A Q&A With Creative Director Sabrina Pfautz

By Katie Bowe / Digital Marketing Coordinator

Conducting business as usual in a quarantined world is challenging enough. But in the middle of a pandemic, how do we rise to the task of hiring and onboarding new employees?...

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How to Get the Best Work From Your Branding & Web Design Agency

By Katie Bowe / Digital Marketing Coordinator

Getting great work from a branding agency takes more than hiring the right one. Here’s some insight into what makes for the best client-agency partnerships....

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How to Improve Site Speed – Four Common Questions Answered

By Katie Bowe / Digital Marketing Coordinator

The data is indisputable: Users spend 15 seconds or less before they decide to leave your website. And on mobile, 53% of users leave...

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